And MonaLisa is her name...
The MonaLisa |
Mona was surrendered with her house mate due to the owners having to move. How lame is that? Do you think they took their belongings? Why wouldn’t they take their canine kids? Though she was sad, Mona was a doll to all the shelter workers. And let me tell you…. She was dumped in a jam packed shelter full of disease and filth. But, that didn't make Mona angry or act ugly. She was evaluated as a "no concern", passing all parts of her temperament test. Her previous owners noted that she had unknown history with cats, but she is currently being fostered in a home with a cat. They are taking it very slowly, but we will report later if we recommend her to go to a home with a cat. Mona is doing well with the kids in her foster home (11yrs+), as well as her female Corso foster sister and male Lab foster brother.
Enjoying a little Peace & Quiet |
MonaLisa's adoption donation is $350.
You should see my other side! |
Intake Information:
Mona ...3 year old...female former owner states she is great with adults, children, and other dogs. Poor girl, family is moving out of state so they surrendered her to a high kill shelter. I hope they have a wonderful trip, while their best friend sits in her cage waiting to die. I guess they never considered taking her. :-( With friends like this, who needs enemies...sure glad I'm not part of their family. A foster home will save her life, please consider!
mona is beautifull!! is she still available?