That's why they call me 'Cuddly Carina'! |
Update for Carina's Foster Mommy (7.2.11): C
arina LOVES attention. She is eager for belly rubs and yes, even hugs. I just hugged her head off almost, and she was happy about it. I speak to her in baby talk while hugging and she LOVES that too. I think I could do almost anything to her as long as I'm speaking to her in that tone of voice. She likes children, she has met a few at our local park and she enjoyed their petting her. She does sit, stays and waits for the ok signal before she eats. Carina tolerates the other dogs here, she truly would be happiest if she were the only dog.
Some Corso will do anything to get adopted! |
Update from Carina's Foster Mommy (5.3.11): "
Carina is truly a girl whose heart belongs to her foster mom, dad and brother! She prefers the company of the people in her foster home. Carina has learned to ignore the very bossy behavior of the resident 6.5 lb. cat. This little feline shows off her higher position to Carina at every opportunity and Carina accepts it. Carina is a little messy with her water bowl....have a towel handy at all times! She's a girl who drinks with gusto! With a tongue that size, it's hard to always drink like a lady. Carina respects all baby gates around the house and only has a little trouble at meal time keeping her composure. We are known in the doggie community for serving wonderful meals so we don't blame her too much. Carina does sit and waits before her bowl is placed before her. She is a very food motivated girl so she learns new behaviors very quickly. She walks very nicely on leash and is happy to greet any person we meet on our walks. She regularly collapses while being petted in the middle of street. A belly rub is too valuable to pass up no matter where she is! Carina has learned to enter our dog run and doorways behind us. She waits politely while she is being leashed and she is still learning not to pull. Carina is housebroken, crate trained and she responds to her name in a flash. She can't wait to be with anyone who will pay a little attention to her. Carina has endured a life of harshness and neglect. She deserves a forever home where she will forever be treated with a kind touch and gentle words. She will repay you with a look of love that you have to see to believe. Her eyes close and she sighs while being petted. She repays us everyday......." |
I'm here, Mom! |
This is my shy look! :-o |
Intake Information: Cuddly Carina was dumped on the streets of Jersey City in the cold, blistery month of January. Carina bears all the signs of having been over bred then discarded when her fragile body just couldn't handle more puppy production. Carina was in very bad shape when taken to the shelter; her body was covered in a slimy oily substance; she had a filthy collar embedded in her neck and was severely underweight. Slowly Carina began to recover from her years of neglect; but unfortunately, her neck will always bear the scares of that embedded collar. Her foster mommy calls her a peanut Corso because her stature is on the smaller side. Once she has fully recovered from her emaciated state and spay surgery that revealed a severely infected uterus, we believe she will weigh about 80 lbs. Carina is thought to be about 2-3 years old. Her foster mommy reports she is house trained, crate trained, and eagerly waiting to play with her Corso sister Bella.
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